John Wilson教授是新近加盟我校的外专,来东华大学之前担任上海理工大学中英学院院长,在来中国之前在英国格拉斯哥一所高校担任副校长,具有丰富的教学、科研、管理等方面经验,John Wilson教授获邀于6月20日,在延安路举行一次英文授课教学经验的交流与分享,详细信息如下,欢迎双语授课的教师参加!
2、地点: 延安路校区 旭日楼306
3、主题:Excellence in Teaching - What Does It Mean and How Can It Be Achieved?
Professor John Wilson joined Donghua University in May 2018 following three years as Principal and CEO of the Sino-British College, USST. He is a professionally qualified accountant (member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) and marketer (member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing) with an academic background in social sciences, mainly politics and economics. He is a Professor of Public Policy and Management and his research interests are in the provision, management and leadership of public services. He began his career in local government before joining higher education and has led business schools at four universities, including Glasgow Caledonian University(GCU) where he became Vice-Principal and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Student Experience).